Well, been awhile since i updated my blog. Miss writing so much. hehe.
So here we go!
Lots of updates, thoughts, events i want to write :) Bear with me!
1. I got a job-offer, got accepted, and... quit after 2 days of training haha.
Turned out it's one sucky job ;p Enough said.
Moral lesson: i shouldn't rush, just enjoy my teenage moment. When he says, "not yet." then... not yet.
2. I didn't have any relationship with any boys (nor girls haha) back in high-school, and yet.. i didn't miss a thing.
I had this conversation with my housemate, and i was asking him whether he already had been in relationship (and how many ;p), and he told me a complete story of his love life,
he went on and on, til finally i said this,
"You know what, i've never been in relationship before,
i hung out with bunch of guys back in high school, from different groups,
and we had LOTS OF FUN, we were pure friends.
the best part is.. we are still friends 'til now,
because we were never involved in some crappy high-school relationship thingy and i didn't have to deal with what-so-called my "ex" haha.
I never had a relationship before, yet i didn't miss a thing :)"
and.. he simply nodded his head, and agreed with me. I know one day, my friends will too.
Lucky i have my older brothers and sisters who watch over me back then (and 'til now).
For me, relationship is meant for 2 "whole" people, who are ready for marriage,
and.. i'm still 17, my age speaks very loud about my readiness for marriage. Ha ha.
3. I miss having a community.
I miss having a DATE.
4. Melbourne is boring.
At first, i thought Melbourne, or Australia is so much fun, where everything goes very fast, but nyeh.. turns out, it's very slow. Ausi's pace is very slow.
Yes, Melbourne is very artsy (i'll post the pic later) and it's a quite-developed city,
but plain.. boring. It's good for holiday, not for 3 years (or more) living.
For NYC-minded person like me, Melb is boring. NYAHAHAH. *gaya lo, til!*
5. Blackberry oh blackberry.
I know this phenomenon is only so crazy in Indo (especially)
i barely found local people in Oz using BB, they use iPhone. Cooler actually.
but seriously, this phenomenon is getting crazier and crazier!!!!
My mom is now on BB too. Yes, my "gaptek" mom.
She got it from my "even gaptek-er" dad.
i really shouldn't underestimate my parents LOL.
Gosh, I even haven't got mine.
6. Grown-up stuff is confusing.
I also had this conversation with my friend about life after i graduated from uni.
Pretty much i have to do these,
-I have to apply for Ausi's permanent resident (PR).
It costs me $5000 dollars, and if i don't get it, i have to apply for the second chance, for another $5000 dollars, or NOT.
-I have to apply for a job and get it in within a year in Ausi. or NOT.
-Probably my dad will send me to the country i hate the most, and ironically where my grandparents were originally from, China. Haha. or NOT.
-Continue for master degree? or NOT.
What's confusing is (and what i meant by "or not.")
i don't want to work for a long term in this boring city, and yet i don't want to go back to Indo right after i graduated, coz there's no doubt Indo's salary for fresh-graduate people is.... not good.
So, the good thing to do is to work here for about 1/2 years first then i go back to Indo,
again.. or not.
Well.. you see, i'm pretty much a thinker,
i think about stuff, wayyyyyy too far ahead.
i worry about stuff, wayyyyyy too much.
That's my illness.
I have to relax! Chill! It's only entering my 5th months here, and i still have 2 years to go. i shouldn't have worried this much.
Many things, wonderful things, could happen, eh?
Like he said, "be a warrior, not a worrier, my dear!"
I really should.
Okay enough thoughts ehem craps. thanks for reading.
Off i go,