Saturday 25 July 2009

Questions.. and answers.

Me and my folks were just hanging out, and suddenly these questions arise.

Q: Since when you become one?
A: Since i was born.

Q: Do you think good people go to heaven? 
Even though let's say they're an... atheist?
A: For me, it's not about being good or bad. But it's about WHO do you believe in.

Q: Why do you believe He exists?
A: He was there when nobody was. My personal experience told me.

Q: But, somehow i don't believe He's the one who created the universe. 
A: Well, you wear a watch yeah?
Q: Uh huh. 
A: You believe someone created that watch?
Q: Yeah. Then?
A: Just because you didn't see or meet the creator of the watch, 
doesn't mean he doesn't exist, eh? 

Q: But, why can't i feel Him?
A: you have no personal relationship.

Q: What if i want to?
A: Find a perfect "field", where you can grow. 
Faith is like a seed, only in perfect "field" it can grow.

Q: Can i go with you sometimes?
A: Sure.

During your journey,
there will be time when your faith is being asked.

Don't blame the people who asked,
just hush them with the right answer.

I never declare myself religious, (haha heck no)
but i do love thiskindofsomewhatreligious conversation,
and i do love spreading the truth with the ones i love. 

If I'm growing,
I'm taking my folks with me.  :)

"You can get people to listen, 
if you can get their heart first." - Jose Carol

Off i go,


Wynne Prasetyo said...

dear venisha hehe i got an award for you. liat di blog gue yap

sasha said...

Just saw it, Awwwww THANK YOU BABE!

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