Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Give first, receive later.

Since last couple of days, i've been doing some research.
A little research.

It focuses on the friendship area (which i can tell you so many things about it) and the object are my friends. :)

I won't make any thesis about this, hell no. It's for my own good, and your own good.

I realized slash found out slash actually-i-do-know-about-this-before-but-im-still-excited about something,

Please, take a look at these scenes.

Scene 1.

A not-good-at-all friend of mine somehow having problem in finding friends (not even the 'true' ones, only the 'only friend' ones) because she's so selfish, so demanding. All she can do is ask ask ask ask ask and rarely answer. She even asked some of her friends to give her something IN PARTICULAR for her bday, and it's costly. 

Her friends got her something else

But, she asked her friends 'why didn't you give me something that i wanted? I told you what i want!'

Scene 2.

Another friend of mine is having problem in finding her good friends. Once i hung out with her, no wonder why.

Me: *babbled about something*
Her: What about meeeee? I'm this this this this.
Me: yeah? haha that's funny.
Her: yeah you know my family is this, my friend is this and you know him? he's this this this this.
Me: *shut up and just listened. Suddenly i remembered my sunday school kiddos.*

No, i don't know who they are. Who she's talking about.

Not a clue.

Scene 3.

We were in her car.

Her: hey so how u doin?
Me: I'm......
Her: Wait wait, *get on the phone* heyyyy how r u?? let's go clubbing tomorrow! bla bla bla
*hung up the phone*
So, continue sha.

Me: Yeah I'm grea....
Her: wait wait my friend sent me BBM (BB messenger)
so yeah,  you were saying?
Me: Yeah i'm great.....
Her: *another phone call* 

Forget it. 

From those scenes above, do you see what i see?

Because i see, some people who are really into themselves.
and oh forget about GIVE, all in their head, I WANT TO RECEIVE SOMETHING FROM YOU!

Your ears!
Your times!
Your attention!

I gave them those.

and then i left. Tired being sucked up.

Hey, people!

There are times,
when the subject of the conversation is not always  'I' or 'Me' only! 
It won't hurt you to actually ask 'how are you, my friend?'

Sometimes you have to give. 

You can simply give them your ears AS WELL,
your attention AS WELL,
your time AS WELL.

believe me, you WILL receive something LATER.

Ever wondering why you don't have so many friends? 
Get a mirror.
Ask yourself, 'Did i give something? Have i? Or do i always want something from my friends?'

This is how i manage my friendship, 
Sometimes all i need to do to manage the friendship is just.... give my ears. My pleasure to give them those.

But, relationship works two ways, in case you don't know. 

I've found my true ones. My two-ways friends. Bye, one-way! Keep sucking.

Off i go,


Linguistic Geek said...

ahaha tell me about this sha.

it's a process bo, as you can see now im having a good and true friends.

God has replaced the old ones, by old you know who hahaha, with the new ones.

sasha said...

yeppers! exactly.

that's why i can share about this dear, im telling other people who are so self-centered to actually come on! grow up!

yeah i know who HE is hahahahhaha.

yeeeep me too, i finally found my true ones as well, and im waving goodbye to the old and so self centered ones (the ones i wrote about haha).

yeay us!

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